BRMT: The leading primitive reflex integration program
Supporting humans from the brainstem, up.
BRMT offers a cause-oriented approach to addressing increasingly common challenges experienced throughout the lifespan.
Our program facilitates global change for infants, children, adults, and seniors by targeting the central nervous system with innate and specific primitive reflex integration techniques.
In-person and online learning
We offer courses and 1-on-1 services with in-person and online formats.
Continuing Education for OTs and PTs
Are you tired of cobbling together primitive reflex integration tips from social media platforms and YouTube? Are you starting to suspect that there must be a faster and more effective way to integrate your clients’ reflexes? You may be on to something. All courses accepted by AOTA and the New York State Board of Physical Therapy (check your state for reciprocity).
BRMT through the lifespan
Rhythmic Movement Training is the only reflex integration technique that can be used with infants. BRMT helps everyone from infants and children with delayed development and sensory challenges to adults and seniors experiencing pain, stress, and tension in their body.
“I’ve taken courses from every primitive reflex integration program, and BRMT is by far my favorite.”
— Britney M., Massage Therapist and Body worker

Feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!