BRMT for Children
Active primitive reflexes can affect all areas of a child’s performance in daily life - from their schoolwork, to their relationships, to their ability to play sports and games.
If your child is struggling with gross or fine motor coordination, attention, sensory processing, emotional regulation, bedwetting, anxiety, or depression, they may benefit from BRMT primitive reflex integration.
Our Services for Children
BRMT Sessions
We offer virtual private sessions tailored specifically for your child. We will teach you tools for implementing a home program and coach you and your child through their primitive reflex integration program.
Parent Education
Parents wanting to learn more about primitive reflexes and gain the skills to help support their child’s development may benefit from taking a Level One BRMT course. Parent education is always provided in private sessions as well.
For Practitioners
Practitioners who work with children and want to gain clinical primitive reflex integration skills will benefit from taking a Level One BRMT course.
An alternative view of ADHD
At BRMT, we view ADHD as a symptom. We know that fluctuating attention, restlessness, hyperactivity, and difficulty concentrating can be related to active primitive reflexes and an inflammatory diet. By using a cause-oriented approach, many families are able to ease these symptoms to support their child’s growth.